I was standing in the dressing room of Lord & Taylor recently, waiting outside a closed stall door as Olivia tried on dress after dress in the elusive ...
It's a Lenten Manic Monday, and it's going to be a cold one. We're starting at 12 degrees and working our way down to -11 by end of today. That's -11 without ...
So, I walked into my bathroom last night and found this message on my make-up mirror: "You're beautiful!" I smiled because this wasn't just any random note, ...
Headline says it all. It's going to be one of THOSE weeks. Between my out-of-town travel for a weekend retreat and the holiday for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, ...
I should have know you would turn out to be a determined, amazing, strong, daring girl...
...when you burst into the world in record time (less than 30 minutes ...
So yesterday I ran downstairs to the unfinished side of my basement to throw in a load of laundry, and there on the cinderblock wall in front of me was the ...
We spent this beautiful August day doing a little cleaning at the Shrine of Our Lady of Martyrs in Auriesville. Various youth groups are going to the shrine to ...
Our Christmas tree came down last night, along with the rest of the decorations. The magi hardly had time to settle down in front of the creche when I shipped ...
Well, we survived Olivia’s birthday sleep over. The weather held out and the girls were able to do the water slide, which was way more popular than I expected ...
In just two hours -- TWO!! -- five little girls will descend upon my house to join Olivia for her big birthday sleep over blowout. What was I thinking when I ...
So we made it through our brief camping trip none the worse for wear. OK, maybe a little the worse for wear, but that was to be expected. Considering the fact ...
Olivia and I went out tonight on a quest for a camping “dunk bag,” which, if you’ve never gone camping -- and unfortunately I have -- is a mesh bag that allows ...
I always figured that at some point one of my children would probably decide to give vegetarianism a try. I don’t know why. Maybe because I’ve told them ...
I’m sure the visiting priest who celebrated Mass at our parish this morning had the best of intentions when he got up to speak, but his homily on the Eucharist ...
Last night was May Crowning at our parish and Olivia, who made her First Communion last week, was chosen to be in the Queen’s Court. That means she and three ...
I’m the oldest child in my family, so I never really got the whole middle-child thing -- until I had Chiara almost three years ago and Olivia was pushed into ...
Olivia had her ears pierced yesterday, without so much as a whimper or tear. This momentous occasion was as big a deal for me as it was for her. Back when I was ...