Just about one decade ago, I began a series of blog posts I labeled "Life in My 50s." When I hit the half-century mark on September 26, 2012, it felt momentous ...
The podcast returns — finally! — with Episode 5 exploring change and the challenges that come with it, even when we want that change. Transformation is never ...
I have to share my big news: I'm leaving my position as Director of Communications for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany after almost seven years. What's the ...
Today I begin the first day of my last year in my 50s. Feels significant in some inexplicable way. I guess all the birthdays become significant, or more ...
A new episode of the Life Lines podcast has finally posted. Every time I record one I have to figure out how to use GarageBand all over again. The struggle is ...
Take 15 minutes to let go of tension and re-ground yourself. I originally recorded this short practice for the Diocese of Albany's virtual wellness day. I ...
When I was leaving my gynecologist’s office recently, I exited the building with a younger couple leaving the same practice. I guessed that they likely were ...
My new podcast is back on track. Finally! I went into hiatus immediately after my late July launch because too many other things were demanding my attention, ...
I've decided to launch a podcast. Right now I'm in the testing phase (and learning phase). I only unpacked my microphone this morning, so bear with me as I ...
Yesterday was a momentous occasion. The gratitude journal that I have kept on my nightstand since April 2019 hit #1,000 — as in 1,000 things for which I am ...
Everyone has his or her own story. Our history, family, faith, environment—all of it combines to create a background story that runs through our entire life, ...
The older I get, the more I like to tackle things I probably have no business tackling. In the course of the past 10 years, I’ve done everything from tennis ...
September always feels like the start of a new year to me, much more so than Jan. 1 ever does. It must be the perennial student in me. I can’t even resist the ...
"I’ve done my best work, really, my most important work, from the ages of maybe 57 to now." That quote is from the poetic writer and musician Patti Smith, 72, ...
For the past few weeks, and especially in recent days, I have been hearing from readers of my monthly Life Lines column, from colleagues working for the Church, ...
This week our diocese held its fourth annual Concert for Vocations, which has become a favorite among the faithful. More than 600 people turned out at St. Pius ...
It was 10 years ago today that I decided to launch this blog on the Feast of St. Francis de Sales, patron saint of communicators. Where has the time gone? Back ...
Week three. Time is flying! How are things on your end? Here’s the weekly update:
It was a SUPER stressful week, especially the weekend. To be completely ...
When I gave up my home-based business to start working in an outside office full time more than two years ago, I gave up a lot more than writing in my basement ...
'Tis the season to give thanks, but what if we change things up a bit this time around? It could be a gratitude throw down of epic proportions, if we all make ...