"I’ve done my best work, really, my most important work, from the ages of maybe 57 to now." That quote is from the poetic writer and musician Patti Smith, 72, ...
First we'll get to the details, then the back story. I have stepped in to lead the 26th annual Merton in the Mountains silent retreat at Pyramid Life Center in ...
One month ago today, I decided to commit -- really commit this time! -- to a daily meditation practice. I've been down this road before. Usually I don't make it ...
I woke up the other night to a fierce thunderstorm and the sound of rain tapping on the aluminum-wrapped windowsill, and I smiled as I rolled over. As I drifted ...
It's amazing how the soul finds what the soul needs.
When I was on silent retreat last month, I sat in the dining room on our final morning, staring out the ...
So much happens on silent retreat, even though nothing at all seems to be happening. No talking, no reading, no writing, no casual eye contact. Doesn't sound ...
When I returned from my wonderful weekend retreat almost three weeks ago, the sense of peace surrounding my heart and penetrating my soul was almost ...
As promised (or threatened, depending on your perspective), I want to take another day to talk about silence, which sounds contradictory, but, hey, that's me, ...