This week we delve into our final chapter of Cravings, but that doesn’t mean we’re done with this topic or this journey. In fact, this is just the beginning. At ...
Well, so much for me posting this one from the archives "tomorrow," as promised on Feb. 18. Obviously, things continue at a breakneck pace, and I will admit ...
I am so very sorry for leaving you all hanging for, what is it now? Two weeks? I know we need to cover chapters 6 AND 7 of the Cravings journey, and we'll get ...
By the time we end our Cravings journey in a few weeks, we will be well into Lent. Hard to believe. And yet, the liturgical calendar seems so perfectly timed ...
Sorry for the delay in getting our latest Cravings Tribe post up on the blog. This week we’re tackling chapter 4, Freedom by the Forkful, and taking a closer ...
Week three. Time is flying! How are things on your end? Here’s the weekly update:
It was a SUPER stressful week, especially the weekend. To be completely ...
We are one week into our journey! How are you doing? Is it easier or more difficult than expected? Are you feeling any shifts -- emotionally, physically, ...
Bring on another new year. We are not afraid. Or are we? So often, we enter the new year disappointed by what didn't happen the year before and overcommitted to ...
Happy New Year! If you've frequented this blog before, you know that we do not do resolutions here at Not Strictly Spiritual. Why? Because they don't work. Why ...
When I gave up my home-based business to start working in an outside office full time more than two years ago, I gave up a lot more than writing in my basement ...
I'm guessing you could use a few days of peace and quiet, maybe in a gorgeous spot, where you have nothing to do but stare out a lake and let someone else do ...
One month ago today, I decided to commit -- really commit this time! -- to a daily meditation practice. I've been down this road before. Usually I don't make it ...
So this week we delve into our final chapter of Cravings, but that doesn't mean we're done with this topic or this journey. In fact, this is just the beginning. ...
Hello, my lovelies! How is week seven going for everyone? I have to admit that this is a favorite chapter and topic for me: mindfulness. Ahhhh...just saying the ...
Our weekly blog post will be up tomorrow. Sorry for the delay. Can you believe we're already moving onto Chapter 7? The weeks are flying by. In the meantime, if ...
Every once in a while, something happens that gives me pause and makes me take note of the ways I am aging. I attempt to open a bottle of apple juice and find ...
What does a balanced life look like to you? When I hear the word "balance," I feel the word "peace." In my mind's eye, the two are inextricably linked. And on ...
Today's interview with Todd Sylvester of the Live Hour on Archangel Radio out of Alabama was one of those unexpected and happy surprises, a really great ...
By the time we end our Cravings journey in a few weeks, Lent will be a few days away. Hard to believe, isn't it? And yet, it seems so perfectly timed for this ...