I'm late, I'm late for a very important date! I'm so sorry this week's Monday post has been delayed. I had to move offices at my workplace, and it threw off my ...
When I saw today's entry in my book of reflections, I knew I had to share it here. Wanting more, wanting to move forward, wanting to change, not accepting the ...
Week three. Time is flying! How are things on your end? Here's my weekly update:
It was a SUPER stressful week, especially the weekend. To be completely honest ...
Our Cravings Tribe and the reVolution-not-resolution journey we're on for the next few weeks -- or maybe for ever! -- were the focus of On Call with Wendy ...
We are one week into our journey! How are you doing? Is it easier or more difficult than expected? Are you feeling any shifts -- emotionally, physically, ...
If you've got three minutes to kill, you can catch my interview with Liz Faublas, the inspiring, funny and fabulous (can't resist) anchor of Currents on ...
Hey, Cravings Tribe! So, we are starting Day 4 of our adventure, and I'm guessing that if some of you are anything like me (and I'm secretly hoping you are), ...
Our Cravings Tribe is growing, and fast. Thank you for making that happen. Many of you are asking how to sign up and make your membership official. Now there's ...
You know how sometimes you start reading about something and talking about something and suddenly that word or topic starts showing up all around you. Well, ...
When I originally started writing this post two days ago, I was so full of optimism and go-get-'em positivity. I was definitely in cheerleader mode. Then, ...
Our new adventure -- this Cravings Tribe -- is not about making a single, one-year resolution or losing 10 pounds or becoming someone you’re not. It’s about ...
If you build it, they will come.
Thank you to everyone -- in the comment section on this blog, on my Facebook page, and in my email inbox -- who have said YES! ...
I don’t know about you, but right about now I could use a tribe, a group of like-minded folks who want to band together for support on the journey. I was ...
It's not about making a resolution or losing 10 pounds or becoming someone you're not. It's about finding out who you really are and coming to terms with your ...
This week I had a great conversation about food, self-acceptance, and spirituality when I hung out on-air with Allison Gingras, host of Reconciled to You. It ...
It's not just what we eat but how we eat. Now and then it's good to take a closer look at the method to our mealtime madness. Do we watch TV while we eat? Check ...
It's that time of year again, the time when we look at ourselves and see all the stuff that needs improving over the next 12 months. We want to lose 10 pounds, ...
I don't know about you, but I'm still full from yesterday's Thanksgiving eat-a-thon. I can't even think about food. Except for those pies on the counter. And ...
I saw this last night on a friend's Facebook page (Thanks, Flo) and had to share. It's another one of those things that just hit home. It reminded me of the ...
As we head into another new year and people everywhere jump on the diet and fitness resolution bandwagon, I thought I'd rewind to last year at this time when ...