Talking about a revolution, with Liz Faublas

January 6, 2017 | Cravings

Liz Faublas Cravings

If you’ve got three minutes to kill, you can catch my interview with Liz Faublas, the inspiring, funny and fabulous (can’t resist) anchor of Currents on Brooklyn’s NET-TV. We talk about Cravings, the tribe, our plans for revolution (personal, that is), and spiritual practices that stick. She was in the Brooklyn studio, and I was in my Albany office. Isn’t technology amazing? Thank you, Liz, for asking me to be on the show. It’s always a treat to talk with you! Liz also happens to be a comedian, so check her out. She’s got a show coming up in NYC later this month.

P.S. How come Liz looks so awesome in the frozen moment from our interview (below), and I’m in mid-sentence (as usual)?!? Trust me, I considered not sharing the clip because of this image, but I can’t be the tribe cheerleader if a little thing like looking goofy stops me in my tracks, right?

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