Fear seems to be ever-present in our world these days, but we don't have to live there. When we move forward in the face of fear, we discover unexpected gifts ...
The poet David Whyte says that most people are “living four or five years behind the curve of their own transformation,” refusing to accept a new season of life ...
When was the last time you let fear keep you from doing something you really wanted or needed to do? Maybe it was a lifetime ago, something in the distant past ...
So often we think being brave means being fearless. Not so. Bravery and courage happen in the face of fear, not in the absence of it. What would you do if you ...
Full disclosure: I was never a big Carlos Santana fan. Okay, I wasn't really a fan at all. That is unless Rob Thomas was singing as Santana played. But then I ...
It seems so straightforward: Jesus appoints his Apostles. There doesn’t seem to be much to delve into here. We know how this Gospel (Mark 3:13-19) turns out. ...
Hanging on my office door is an image of Joan of Arc in all her courageous glory, with a version of her famous quote: “I am not afraid. I was born to do this.” ...
The past month has been a dance of gratitude and fear. Gratitude that, so far, my family is healthy and together under one roof — all five of us around the ...
Here’s the Life Lines column I wrote 17 years ago, in the days following 9/11. So much has changed since that time. Our world has changed. My family has ...
It was nine years ago today that I launched this blog. Although it looked very different when it started out and I posted much more frequently, the overall ...
Three times in my life -- three, count 'em -- I have either started to train as a yoga teacher (back in Austin in the 1980s), started the application process to ...
Here’s the Life Lines column I wrote 15 years ago, in the days following 9/11. So much has changed since that time. Our world has changed. My family has ...
This Life Lines column was originally intended to be my last. It was 15 years ago this month that I wrote my first column for Catholic New York, and this seemed ...
Everyone has his or her own story. Our history, family, faith, environment – all of it combines to create a background story that runs through our entire life, ...
I originally wrote this post in January, but I came across it this morning when I was looking for something else. It was exactly what I needed to hear today, so ...
I've been ruminating on this topic -- What are you feeding? -- for a while in my private time because I think it's a pretty big deal. If we feed our fears, if ...
Yesterday a friend asked people if we could remember where we were at that horrible moment 12 years ago today. I was putting laundry away in the top drawer of ...
My current Life Lines column from Catholic New York:
What is it about the darkness that makes normal things seem a little scarier and scary things seem ...
Ecstasy of St. Teresa, Santa Maria della Vittoria, Rome/By Mary DeTurris PoustHappy Feast of St. Teresa of Avila. I have some of her words of wisdom posted ...
This morning I returned to my beloved early morning yoga class after a very long hiatus due to a physical condition/injury. I won't bore you with details. ...