It was nine years ago today that I launched this blog. Although it looked very different when it started out and I posted much more frequently, the overall ...
OK, I’ll be blogging from my blogspot location again for the foreseeable future. Unfortunately, it’s not because I’ll be watching the waves crash in Wildwood or ...
OK, so I disappeared for a few days without notice, without giving you a forwarding address, without even mentioning I was heading out of town. Sorry. My sister ...
Chiara received an “Aquadoodle” for her birthday from Grandma Mary Ann and Popi Neil this week. Basically this is a mat that comes with a special pen that ...
Chiara turned three years old today. Hard to believe. That’s her up there in her princess outfit and tiara, looking very birthday girl-ish. This photo captures ...
Well, we arrived home from vacation last night, and despite the fact that the house is a mess and there is laundry to do and groceries to buy and bills to pay, ...
Well, we survived Olivia’s birthday sleep over. The weather held out and the girls were able to do the water slide, which was way more popular than I expected ...
In just two hours -- TWO!! -- five little girls will descend upon my house to join Olivia for her big birthday sleep over blowout. What was I thinking when I ...
In case any of you have taken my advice and have started downloading daily podcasts from Pray-as-You-Go, I feel the need to print what I hope is only a ...
We have just begun the Jubilee Year to the Apostle Paul, which, I have to be honest, really didn’t mean that much to me at the outset, but now, with every ...
How does my garden grow? With hydrangea and spirea and lupine and zinnias and lamb’s ear all in a row. So the flower garden above is a new addition since Our ...
The Denver Catholic Register ran a story about my book, “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Catholic Catechism,” in this week’s edition. You can check it out by ...
It’s a rare moment when the Vatican can reaffirm the Incarnation and at the same time appease earth mothers everywhere, but Church officials pulled off that ...
I recently happened upon an Internet quiz that allowed me to figure out which Disney princess I would be if I suddenly morphed into an animated character and ...
So I’ve been experiencing something I can’t really explain lately, something I can’t quite put my finger on, but it’s there and it’s real. I’ve gone to two ...
You can check out my interview with Tony Rossi on Christopher Closeup by clicking HERE. It will take you to the main page where you will be able to download not ...
Dennis spotted this one on a car yesterday while driving down Delaware Avenue in Albany, and it was too good not to share:
What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it’s ...
OK, yesterday I rambled on and on about balancing the spiritual and secular, and then today, voilà, a blog reader emailed me about a Catholic New Service story ...
Why, you may ask, is someone who writes about Christian spirituality using a Taoist Yin Yang symbol as art? Well, the easy answer is that it’s all part of the ...
In case anyone is wondering why I haven’t been blogging regularly -- as if I’m that important -- here’s the deal: It has been the craziest June ever. We seem to ...