Join me for a live Tweetchat on Twitter at noon ET today. I'll be talking about The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Catholic Catechism and Catholicism in general. ...
Category Archive:
Idiot’s Guide
Tomorrow (Thursday, Sept. 10) at 1 p.m. Eastern time, I will be a guest on Archbishop Timothy Dolan’s weekly radio show, A Conversation With the Archbishop, on ...
For months now I've been waiting with unbridled anticipation for the day when Catholic News Service (the wire service that feeds stories to every Catholic ...
The Denver Catholic Register ran a story about my book, “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Catholic Catechism,” in this week’s edition. You can check it out by ...
Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver sent me an endorsement for my book today, something that fills me with gratitude and humbles me. The blurb -- or at least an ...
I would just like to thank Hannan Adely of The Journal News for the very nice article she wrote about me and my book, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Catholic ...
OK, so the tornado watch and torrential rain probably didn’t help my book signing on Saturday, but it was worth the three-hour ride to Raritan, N.J., if only to ...
I will be on Christopher Closeup on The Catholic Channel, Sirius Satellite Radio 159, on Sunday, May 25, at 7 a.m. and again at 7:30 p.m. (EST) talking about my ...
I’ll be driving south on the New York State Thruway today, making the short two-hour drive back to my hometown of Pearl River. I’m meeting a reporter from The ...
just want to thank all the folks at St. Thomas the Apostle Parish in Delmar who came over to my table after Mass today and bought a copy of my book, The ...

The Evangelist, the weekly newspaper of the Diocese of Albany, ran a nice little feature on me and my new book in the issue that came out today. The “official” ...
Hey, I’m back from New York and the papal visit, and just in time to tell you about my first experience on podcast. That’s right. You can now download me from ...
As soon as I walked out of Penn Station and hailed a taxi, I got a taste of the pope-mania that has taken over New York. My cab driver, Kenneth, who is not ...
With so much going on with the papal visit, it’s hard to find time to think or blog about anything else. But here’s some book-related news worth sharing. Gary ...
Good news folks. I received word from my publisher, Penguin/Alpha Books, that a second printing has already been ordered for my latest book, The Complete ...

So I finally presented a signed copy of my book to Bishop Howard Hubbard of Albany today. It was a very nice visit; the girls and Dennis came along. Noah was at ...
The Curt Jester reviewed my book today, telling readers that it is “a quite useful addition to the number of books concerning the Catechism.” If you want to ...
If you happened to read the brief “profile” on me in today’s Times Union(and even if you didn’t), I would like to give you the “director’s cut,” the full and ...
It’s late and I’m exhausted, but I have to take a few minutes to say thank you to all of you who came out to my book release and signing party on Saturday at ...
Word on the street -- or at least the streets of Boston -- is that my book was being sold ahead of schedule at Barnes & Noble. What? No security a la Harry ...