Author Stephen Binz combines the ancient practice of Lectio Divina with theology, history, and Scripture as it relates to the Catholic Mass in a comprehensive ...
After Pope Francis recently shared the story of reaching into his confessor’s casket and stealing the cross off his Rosary beads, I sent my husband, Dennis, ...
From my post at OSV Daily Take today. Follow the link at the end of this post to leave a comment and enter the book giveaway.Paula Huston’s beautiful new book, ...
I just came across this amazing review of my latest book, "The Essential Guide to Catholic Prayer and the Mass." I have to say, it's my new favorite review. ...
I love it when I open an email only to find an unexpected and wonderful surprise. That's what happened today when I was sent the link to this review of "Walking ...
This was a lovely way to start the new year. Thank you to Karen Edmisten for this review:Walking Together : Discovering the Catholic Tradition of Spiritual ...
Thank you to all my Cornerstone sisters, friends from St. Thomas the Apostle, and friends from Delmar in general who gave up a night at home with their families ...
This review really captured the heart and soul of my new book. My favorite review of any book I've ever written. It appeared in this week's Evangelist of the ...
Sorry I've been absent from the blog for a while. Book promotion in other arenas is burning up a lot of hours. In a good way. So...if you'd like to see what ...
Catholic columnist Therese Borchard wrote a review of my new book, "Walking Together: Discovering the Catholic Tradition of Spiritual Friendship," which has ...
I needed a lift today, and there it was -- unexpected but right on time -- waiting in my email inbox this morning. Glastonbury Abbey in Massachusetts has posted ...
So many times, as I was reading Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust, by Immaculée Ilibagiza with Steve Erwin, I had to remind myself that ...
A few months back, a colleague put me in email contact with Justin Catanoso, author of My Cousin the Saint: A Search for Faith, Family, and Miracles. Justin was ...
For months now I've been waiting with unbridled anticipation for the day when Catholic News Service (the wire service that feeds stories to every Catholic ...
The Denver Catholic Register ran a story about my book, “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Catholic Catechism,” in this week’s edition. You can check it out by ...
Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver sent me an endorsement for my book today, something that fills me with gratitude and humbles me. The blurb -- or at least an ...
I would just like to thank Hannan Adely of The Journal News for the very nice article she wrote about me and my book, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Catholic ...
With so much going on with the papal visit, it’s hard to find time to think or blog about anything else. But here’s some book-related news worth sharing. Gary ...
The Curt Jester reviewed my book today, telling readers that it is “a quite useful addition to the number of books concerning the Catechism.” If you want to ...