I should have know you would turn out to be a determined, amazing, strong, daring girl...
...when you burst into the world in record time (less than 30 minutes ...
Take a good look at the photo above. This is a perfect statement on my life at this point. Or a good indication of why my sanity seems to be in constant peril. ...
My most recent Life Lines column:Olivia, our middle child, is one of those kids who can’t see someone hurting without wanting to do whatever she can to make it ...
Well, maybe it wasn't the fastest ever, but it was the fastest for me. Nine years ago (actually the real anniversary happened at 2:57 a.m. today), I was waiting ...
My OSV Daily Take post:I was driving my 8-year-old daughter to soccer practice last night. (This is the same daughter I wrote about last week when my husband ...
So I returned home from Denver last night to a lovely family reunion. Dennis had cleaned the whole house while I was gone, including all the bathrooms, and ...
I realized that Olivia was the only kid whose photo was not featured on my vacation blog, so here she is at the Cape May Zoo with my favorite animals in the ...
Well, we survived Olivia’s birthday sleep over. The weather held out and the girls were able to do the water slide, which was way more popular than I expected ...
In just two hours -- TWO!! -- five little girls will descend upon my house to join Olivia for her big birthday sleep over blowout. What was I thinking when I ...
So here we are, six sweaty but dedicated moms (I’m second from left), doing what we need to do to help our daughters become confident, well-rounded young women ...
Olivia and I went out tonight on a quest for a camping “dunk bag,” which, if you’ve never gone camping -- and unfortunately I have -- is a mesh bag that allows ...
I always figured that at some point one of my children would probably decide to give vegetarianism a try. I don’t know why. Maybe because I’ve told them ...
I’m sure the visiting priest who celebrated Mass at our parish this morning had the best of intentions when he got up to speak, but his homily on the Eucharist ...
Last night was May Crowning at our parish and Olivia, who made her First Communion last week, was chosen to be in the Queen’s Court. That means she and three ...
I’m the oldest child in my family, so I never really got the whole middle-child thing -- until I had Chiara almost three years ago and Olivia was pushed into ...