When it comes to our prayer lives, we too often fall into the trap of setting goals, mapping “progress,” and jumping through spiritual hoops, as if our ...
The world moves at breakneck speed and expects us to do the same. Why not step outside the chaos and give yourself a weekend to nourish body, mind, and soul? As ...
As we move into the second half of the Lenten season, it's a good time to take stock of our promises and practices. So often we give up sweets or alcohol or ...
As I begin Life in My 60s, I wanted to spend some time talking about the journey and the joy that comes with it. Join me for conversation about aging and the ...
As I sat in my beach chair late last month, toes in the sand and eyes fixed on an endless horizon that gave me the slightest inkling of eternity, I found for ...
"The Advent season invites us to put the world’s ways aside and sink into the slow goodness of a spiritual season be-decked not in tinsel and bows but in ...
Episode 6 of my podcast, Life Lines with Mary DeTurris Poust, has posted. You can listen on any of your favorite apps (Spotify, Apple Music, Google, Amazon ...
We all need a little time apart, a little time in silent meditation, but that can be challenging. Our mind wanders; our thoughts race. Let me guide you to a ...
Registration is now open for the annual Stillpoint Retreat at Pyramid Life Center to be held Friday, Sept. 9, through Sunday, Sept. 11, 2022. Spots are filling ...
How are we doing, gang? We are moving into week three already. Can you believe it? How is your 2021 so far? It definitely seems like it's going to give 2020 a ...
After months of wondering whether my retreat would be on or off due to COVID-19, I am happy to report that it is ON, and Pyramid Life Center is ready to receive ...
It's Monday again, and you know what that means? Time to check in on what's going down at the Poust House during this week of pandemic. The weather has ...
"I’ve done my best work, really, my most important work, from the ages of maybe 57 to now." That quote is from the poetic writer and musician Patti Smith, 72, ...
First we'll get to the details, then the back story. I have stepped in to lead the 26th annual Merton in the Mountains silent retreat at Pyramid Life Center in ...
We live in a divided world, where our differences are driving a wedge between us, creating an ever-widening chasm that threatens to cut us off from each other ...
The past few months have been quite a spiritual roller-coaster for me due to an experience in early summer that pushed me past the breaking point. I couldn’t ...
I'm guessing you could use a few days of peace and quiet, maybe in a gorgeous spot, where you have nothing to do but stare out a lake and let someone else do ...
One month ago today, I decided to commit -- really commit this time! -- to a daily meditation practice. I've been down this road before. Usually I don't make it ...
What does a balanced life look like to you? When I hear the word "balance," I feel the word "peace." In my mind's eye, the two are inextricably linked. And on ...
I woke up the other night to a fierce thunderstorm and the sound of rain tapping on the aluminum-wrapped windowsill, and I smiled as I rolled over. As I drifted ...