Chiara, 15, walked into our family room after a socially distanced bike ride with a friend and wisely observed that just a couple of months ago wearing a mask ...
My annual tribute to the baby I lost 22 years ago today, the baby I call Grace:
For the past few days I’ve been looking at the numbers on the calendar, ...
I stood in the upstairs hallway of our home recently, hugging my 12-year-old daughter, who was finally expressing outwardly the fears that must have been ...
My annual tribute to the baby I lost, the baby I call Grace:
For the past few days I’ve been looking at the numbers on the calendar, growing more and more ...
Dennis and I were sitting around the kitchen table one morning talking with our son, Noah, who is home from college for the summer and working full time for the ...
If you've been a reader of this blog since the early days, you know my family has had some Advent struggles over the years. There was the time we needed to ...
Usually I run the same annual post in this space on August 6, the day I lost my second child to miscarriage. But this year feels a little bit different. As ...
I had a great time on today's episode of A Seeking Heart with Allison Gingras of Reconciled to You. We covered a lot of bases, including three of my seven ...
My post over at Aleteia today:
When it comes to teenagers, you expect a certain amount of eye rolling and apathy, but put those same kids in a faith formation ...
My annual post in remembrance of the baby I never got to meet:
For the past few days I've been looking at the numbers on the calendar, growing more and more ...
This is so worth 11 minutes of your time. Denzel Washington gives a commencement address that doubles as spiritual direction. "Put God first," he told the ...
My latest story in the current issue of OSV Newsweekly:
If you are of a certain age, you might remember the late comedian Rodney Dangerfield’s signature line: ...
These are busy, crazy times here in the Poust House, and things only promise to get a bit crazier as we head toward the Triduum and Easter. That photo on the ...
I am typically a "Why me?" sort of person -- when my computer crashes, when a recipe flops, when I come home from the store without the one thing I went there ...
Every year, St. Thomas the Apostle Church in Delmar (like so many other area churches, Catholic and not) sponsors a Giving Tree. At the start of Advent, the ...
The shoes were placed by the front door with care last night. Okay, to be honest, the almost-18-year-old just left them there out of habit, but the two girls ...
Grand Theft Auto, the violent bestselling video game franchise, was in the news again this week for upgrading its game to allow players to have sex with a ...
I should have know you would turn out to be a determined, amazing, strong, daring girl...
...when you burst into the world in record time (less than 30 minutes ...
Okay, here’s the question of the day: Is the Christmas stocking important or irrelevant? This debate rages at our house each Christmas season. For me, the ...
The shoes were placed by the front door with care last night. Okay, to be honest, the almost-17-year-old just left them there out of habit, but the two girls ...