On a recent rainy morning, I ventured up to Trader Joe’s on Wolf Road in Albany, armed with a vacation snack wish list from my daughter, Olivia, who would be ...
When it comes to our prayer lives, we too often fall into the trap of setting goals, mapping “progress,” and jumping through spiritual hoops, as if our ...
Early bird pricing for this weekend retreat expires on July 29. So if you're thinking about joining me at the beautiful Bon Secours Retreat & Conference ...
I woke up in the middle of the night with this psalm verse running through my head. This is not one of my "favorite" psalms and this sort of thing does not ...
Most of the world moved on from Christmas as soon as the presents were opened and the dinner consumed, but we Catholics savor the season, soaking up every last ...
When I saw these jellyfish at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago, I was mesmerized. Apparently, so was everyone else, because the crowd around their tank was several ...
As I was sipping coffee on the deck this morning, phone in hand, crossword puzzle in front of me, I suddenly stopped and looked up. In that moment, I ...
I've decided to launch a podcast. Right now I'm in the testing phase (and learning phase). I only unpacked my microphone this morning, so bear with me as I ...
Hail to the Morning
There will be something,
anguish or elation,
that is peculiar to this day alone.
I rise from sleep and say:
Hail to the morning!
Come down ...
I stood in the parking lot of a Holiday Inn Express in Syracuse one recent Saturday morning before dawn, fumbling with my car keys and coffee cup and thinking ...
When we returned from a weeklong family trip to Rome, several friends asked me to name the one monumental moment from the trip, the standout thing that made the ...
I am not in the regular rotation when it comes to walking our rescue dog, Jake, especially at night. Dennis and Olivia handle most of the dog-walking duties in ...
Happy New Year! If you've frequented this blog before, you know that we do not do resolutions here at Not Strictly Spiritual. Why? Because they don't work. Why ...
If you're within driving distance of New York's Capital Region and/or the lower Adirondacks, you are within retreat range! There are still a few more spots open ...
About one week ago, our dishwasher died. Well, it didn't die completely; it just shut down mid-cycle no matter how many times we tried to make it work. And, ...
Most weekends I don't look forward to the long list of things that need to get done. After a busy week at work and nights spent driving to and from appointments ...
I had a great time on today's episode of A Seeking Heart with Allison Gingras of Reconciled to You. We covered a lot of bases, including three of my seven ...
Despite our best intentions, finding a block of time to get down to the practice of prayer can be difficult -- that is if we think of prayer only as a formal ...
I was featured in a story on mindfulness that's running in the Catholic Courier of Rochester this week, so I thought I would take a few minutes to talk about ...
My latest Life Lines column running in the current issue of Catholic New York:
Every year, when summer rolls around, I vow to work less and play more, or at ...