Ash Wednesday is only four weeks away. I know if feels like we just got through Christmas, but, trust me, Lent will be here before you know it, and wouldn't it ...
It's been a while since I did a Manic Monday post, so I thought I'd pop on and give you the rundown of what's going on in my world. Actually, to be honest, I ...
It's Monday again, and you know what that means? Time to check in on what's going down at the Poust House during this week of pandemic. The weather has ...
I keep hearing from folks who are reading Rejoice and Be Glad, my book of reflections for Easter to Pentecost from Liturgical Press. I love getting emails and ...
My Easter season book of reflections, Rejoice and Be Glad 2020: Daily Reflection for Easter to Pentecost from Liturgical Press is available for sale now. They ...
I was featured as a Faces of Faith interview by Rob Brill in today's Albany Times Union. I'm honored. Here's the story:
Background: Born ...
I had a great time on today's episode of A Seeking Heart with Allison Gingras of Reconciled to You. We covered a lot of bases, including three of my seven ...
It's not about making a resolution or losing 10 pounds or becoming someone you're not. It's about finding out who you really are and coming to terms with your ...
It's amazing how different something can look when we are willing to see with new eyes, when we cast aside our preconceived ideas and our human need for ...
This week I had a great conversation about food, self-acceptance, and spirituality when I hung out on-air with Allison Gingras, host of Reconciled to You. It ...
A former editor, current friend, and perpetually great writer posted an essay -- What Fresh Hell Is This? -- about the advice he'd give to his 22-year-old self ...
It's a Lenten Manic Monday, and it's going to be a cold one. We're starting at 12 degrees and working our way down to -11 by end of today. That's -11 without ...
Put your hands up and step away from the screen. That's the Cliff Notes version of Pope Francis' message for World Communications Day. Okay, I may be taking ...
It's that time of year again, the time when we look at ourselves and see all the stuff that needs improving over the next 12 months. We want to lose 10 pounds, ...
How is it possible we have already hit mid-July? I would find that totally unbelievable except for the fact that I'm looking out at my yard as I write this, and ...
After back-to-back, wall-to-wall dance dress rehearsals and recitals this past week, we have reached a place of calm. At least for the time being. I keep ...
On this Feast of the Holy Trinity, I thought I'd share this excerpt on the ways the Father-Son-Spirit model for us what spiritual friendship and right ...
Stop by Pauline Books & Media, 64 West 38th Street in Manhattan, on Wednesday, Feb. 27, at 6:30 p.m. for a book signing to celebrate the release of my two ...
Here's what Alex Blackwell of The BridgeMaker had to say about Cravings:
"In revealing this personal journey, Mary creates a safe space where readers can begin ...