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Waiting Without Hope

Waiting Without Hope

When I was approaching my 60th birthday a couple of years ago, I decided to have two words from my favorite psalm tattooed on my left arm. “Be still,” it says, ...
The Risk of Christmas

The Risk of Christmas

A Christmas poem written by Madeleine L'Engle in 1973 but sounding incredibly timely for all of us living in a troubled world today: This is no time for a ...
An unlikely Advent journey

An unlikely Advent journey

For the longest time, I considered myself more of a Lent person than an Advent person. The journey through the desert felt familiar, the three-prong practice of ...

Seattle snapshot: Advent 101

A very brief invitation to my Seattle Advent retreat. My first time in the Pacific Northwest. I loved it, and I found a spiritual vibe everywhere — at Pike ...

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