Wildfires and wars, sickness and suffering of every kind. It can sometimes leave us crying out: “Where are you, God?” The silence can feel deafening at times. ...
When it comes to our prayer lives, we too often fall into the trap of setting goals, mapping “progress,” and jumping through spiritual hoops, as if our ...
My Give Us This Day reflection on today’s Scripture readings. You can find the readings HERE.
A friend and I were discussing the problem of letting our faith ...
As we move into the second half of the Lenten season, it's a good time to take stock of our promises and practices. So often we give up sweets or alcohol or ...
Rosary-challenged. That’s how I’ve described myself for most of my life. Don’t get me wrong. I have more sets of rosary beads than I can count, tucked away in ...
One of the great joys—and occasional challenges—of being a writer is getting letters from readers via email, social media and even snail mail. Those messages ...
How are we doing, gang? We are moving into week three already. Can you believe it? How is your 2021 so far? It definitely seems like it's going to give 2020 a ...
Folks are asking if they can still get my book of reflections for the Easter season, Rejoice and Be Glad 2020: Daily Reflections for Easter to Pentecost from ...
My Easter season book of reflections, Rejoice and Be Glad 2020: Daily Reflection for Easter to Pentecost from Liturgical Press is available for sale now. They ...
Are you looking for a spiritual guide to be your companion through Lent? Look no further. There's still time to order my latest book of reflections, Not by ...
We live in a divided world, where our differences are driving a wedge between us, creating an ever-widening chasm that threatens to cut us off from each other ...
If you're within driving distance of New York's Capital Region and/or the lower Adirondacks, you are within retreat range! There are still a few more spots open ...
One month ago today, I decided to commit -- really commit this time! -- to a daily meditation practice. I've been down this road before. Usually I don't make it ...
What does a balanced life look like to you? When I hear the word "balance," I feel the word "peace." In my mind's eye, the two are inextricably linked. And on ...
Lighting the Advent wreath each night for prayers before dinner has long been my family’s tradition. The flickering candlelight growing brighter with each ...
My reflection from Give Us This Day today:
Truth and trust. I’m guessing that for most of us these two words stir up powerful emotions, whether close to the ...
I had a great time on today's episode of A Seeking Heart with Allison Gingras of Reconciled to You. We covered a lot of bases, including three of my seven ...
My prayer reflection from the December issue of Give Us This Day:
Alma Redemptoris Mater - Sweet Mother of the Redeemer
Loving Mother of the Redeemer, gate ...
If you missed my latest interview on the Morning Air Show on Relevant Radio, you can catch up by clicking the link below. I'm first up so just hit play. I'm ...