We're going on a field trip today. Over to Huffington Post, where you'll find me writing about prayer. Just call me HuffPoust. Why the foray so far afield? ...
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"The grace to be a beginner is always the best prayer for an artist. The beginner's humility and openness lead to exploration. Exploration leads to ...
The latest issue of The Evangelist, the Diocese of Albany's weekly newspaper, included a story on local Catholic bloggers, and I was on the list.Here's a ...
From the Monastery of St. Scholastica in Subiaco, Italy.
Photo by Mary DeTurris Poust
Happy Feast of St. Benedict! Here's a snippet about St. Benedict from my ...
So here's the deal. When I become scarce in these parts, it's not because I don't appreciate and miss all of you. I do. It's usually because I feel so inept at ...
My OSV Daily Take post from yesterday:A couple of events this week got me thinking about my own mortality. First, I spent some time visiting a friend who is ...
Here's my post from OSV Daily Take today:I'm not one for pithy quotes posted on big signs outside churches. I typically find them distracting at best or silly ...
I don't know about you, but I have a hard time with the Rosary. I am Rosary-challenged. But I recently reviewed four books that look at the Rosary from ...
I've been pretty scarce around these parts lately. Why? Because I've been spending all my time in the basement and at the Dollar Store. How's that for a great ...
I've been awake since 4:30 a.m., which seems appropriate somehow on this day of watching and waiting. The rain is coming down. The sun has not made an ...
Here's my latest Life Lines column from the April 7 issue of Catholic New York:Growing up in a traditional Catholic household — one where my mother strictly ...
I'll be talking about my newest book, "The Essential Guide to Catholic Prayer and Mass," with Archbishop Timothy Dolan on his weekly radio show, A Conversation ...
I just came across this amazing review of my latest book, "The Essential Guide to Catholic Prayer and the Mass." I have to say, it's my new favorite review. ...
I was on Everyday Faith Live! this morning on Telecare TV via Skype. (Isn't technology amazing?) If you didn't catch the show live, you can watch it here. My ...
A sure sign of spring in upstate New York is the arrival of the snow drops, the first tiny flowers to emerge from the cold, dark earth. I snapped that picture ...
In my childhood home, St. Patrick's Day did not resemble the unfortunate drunken revelry we see on our TV screens and parade routes every March 17. It wasn't ...
My latest "Life Lines" column is now up at Catholic New York. I'll start you off here:When I went to my local YMCA this week, I ran into a man from my parish, ...
If you click on the AOL homepage today, you'll find Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York giving web visitors a great explanation of what this season of Lent is ...
I am going to admit right up front that I am a huge fan of Lent, always have been. It's my kind of season. Perhaps that makes me weird, but it's true. For me ...
I was thrilled to get a chance to present my new book, "The Essential Guide to Catholic Prayer and the Mass," to Archbishop Timothy Dolan today, when he was in ...