'Tis the season to start thinking about our grand self-improvement plans for 2023, right? It's right around this time of year, when we're eating too many ...
It has been just about one year since I took the leap and gave notice to my full-time job as a Communications Director. It has been about 10 months since I ...
As I begin Life in My 60s, I wanted to spend some time talking about the journey and the joy that comes with it. Join me for conversation about aging and the ...
So I'm standing at the start of a new decade today and feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude, peace, and contentment. I know how blessed I am, and I can ...
Kick off 2023 with a plan for an inner revolution, not an outer resolution! We are not looking to drop pounds or start a new exercise routine. We are looking to ...
Just about one decade ago, I began a series of blog posts I labeled "Life in My 50s." When I hit the half-century mark on September 26, 2012, it felt momentous ...
The podcast returns — finally! — with Episode 5 exploring change and the challenges that come with it, even when we want that change. Transformation is never ...
It’s amazing how we can convince ourselves that we simply don’t have the time to do even the little things that might make our lives demonstrably better. We ...
When I signed onto Facebook this week, I found a private message from someone who told me that a Life Lines column I had written about surrender eight years ago ...
Today I begin the first day of my last year in my 50s. Feels significant in some inexplicable way. I guess all the birthdays become significant, or more ...
I love how Peter tends to respond to Jesus with such pure emotion. As in today’s scene, when he leaps out of his boat and races through the water toward Jesus; ...
If you are near — or can get to — the stunning Bon Secours Retreat & Conference Center in Marriottsville, Maryland, I've got a weekend retreat to kick off ...
Okay, so we skipped Week 4 here on the blog. I have to apologize. I was not taking my own advice and was allowing myself to sink into a bit of darkness and ...
When I was thinking about what I would tackle during Week 2 of our revolution-not-resolution journey of self-transformation, I looked at the original blog post ...
Hello, my lovelies! Were you wondering if I had forgotten about you and our plan to start a reVolution not a resolution? There is a method to my madness. As I ...
With 2020 in our rearview mirror, most of us are hoping for a new year that looks nothing like the old year. As we struggled through past 10 months of pandemic, ...
For those who frequent this blog, you know my end-of-year rallying cry has always been: ReVolution, not resolution! Why? Because resolutions don't work. How do ...
An upstate New York church recently asked me if I would do a Zoom talk for their parish book club, which had just finished reading “Walking Together,” my 2010 ...
Everyone has his or her own story. Our history, family, faith, environment—all of it combines to create a background story that runs through our entire life, ...
September always feels like the start of a new year to me, much more so than Jan. 1 ever does. It must be the perennial student in me. I can’t even resist the ...