When I saw these jellyfish at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago, I was mesmerized. Apparently, so was everyone else, because the crowd around their tank was several people deep. Isn’t it funny how this odd little sea creature that can send us running to shore if we spot one near us in the ocean is, upon closer inspection, so incredibly beautiful.
As I pondered my busy Monday and even busier week ahead, I suddenly thought back to these jellyfish and imagined myself just floating in the sea of life, not clinging to to anything, not plowing ahead at full speed, just floating and moving with the current rather than against it. (Disclaimer: I am not a marine biologist and have no idea if that’s how jellyfish act/move, but it’s how I see them.)
So today, as you settle into whatever groove you’ve got going during this steamy last week of July, imagine you are a jellyfish. Float, drift, let go, be. Feel yourself supported by the world around you, by the Life Force that created this amazing world and all of us. We are of no more significance than those jellyfish, when it comes right down to it. And isn’t that humbling and refreshing — and freeing.

#jellyfish #letgo #gowiththeflow