You say you want a revolution…

December 31, 2017 | Cravings

Happy New Year! If you’ve frequented this blog before, you know that we do not do resolutions here at Not Strictly Spiritual. Why? Because they don’t work. Why stick with a losing proposition? Think big. Think evolution. Think revolution.

We are not starting out this new year looking to drop pounds and dress sizes or simply start a new exercise routine. We are looking to go much deeper than that, to a place where we can dig into the fertile soil of our soul, a place where there are ideas and experiences and adventures trying to poke through the surface and blossom into the life we deserve, the life we’ve been dreaming of. Stop counting calories and counting steps and counting sheep and start breathing deep, sitting still, looking inward, reaching outward, living life with attention and INtention.

If you followed us on the Cravings journey last year, you’ll remember that we worked through that book chapter by chapter, week by week. I’ll be re-posting those entries so you can review and renew. If you haven’t worked through Cravings yet, now is the time! Check back here each week for posts that will not only help you develop a healthy relationship with food but will give you an opportunity to explore your own heart, mind, and soul. In addition, I’ll be posting new material that will show you how to take the mindful attitude we developed during Cravings and bring that to bear in all areas of your life. I’ll be using my book Everyday Divine as a guide. (You can get the Kindle version HERE. I do have a limited supply of print editions of this book, so shoot me an email if you’re interested.)

You’ll find the details of our Cravings journey in this post: Revolution, not resolution  (I’ll follow the same schedule as I did last year, so the dates listed there will hold. Check back Jan. 2 for our first installment.)

Still not convinced? Here’s another post that might do the trick: You are enough. No resolutions required.

The only thing you need to bring to this party is a good attitude, a sense of curiosity, and a journal. It doesn’t have to be a fancy journal. A cheap spiral notebook will do, but it’s a good idea to have a place to write down some notes along the way. In fact, journaling for even a few minutes each morning is a great way to start your day. We’ll talk more about that in the days ahead. If you don’t want to do that, no problem. This is your journey, your life. Do it your way.

See you back here soon. Here’s to another new year. Let’s make it a good one.


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