My feature essay from the January 2024 issue of Give Us This Day:
A fresh span of twelve months stretches out before us now, like a blank canvas daring us ...
'Tis the season to start thinking about our grand self-improvement plans for 2023, right? It's right around this time of year, when we're eating too many ...
Hello, my lovelies! Were you wondering if I had forgotten about you and our plan to start a reVolution not a resolution? There is a method to my madness. As I ...
Regular readers of this blog know that I am not a fan of the standard new year's resolution approach to life. Losing 10 pounds, exercising more often, drinking ...
Okay, so we skipped Week 4 here on the blog. I have to apologize. I was not taking my own advice and was allowing myself to sink into a bit of darkness and ...
How are we doing, gang? We are moving into week three already. Can you believe it? How is your 2021 so far? It definitely seems like it's going to give 2020 a ...
Week three. Time is flying! How are things on your end? Here’s the weekly update:
It was a SUPER stressful week, especially the weekend. To be completely ...
We are one week into our journey! How are you doing? Is it easier or more difficult than expected? Are you feeling any shifts -- emotionally, physically, ...
Happy New Year! If you've frequented this blog before, you know that we do not do resolutions here at Not Strictly Spiritual. Why? Because they don't work. Why ...
If you build it, they will come.
Thank you to everyone -- in the comment section on this blog, on my Facebook page, and in my email inbox -- who have said YES! ...