I don’t know about you, but right about now I could use a tribe, a group of like-minded folks who want to band together for support on the journey. I was ...
Every year I run this post because so many people want my mother's Irish Soda Bread recipe. Here it is again, in time for tomorrow's breakfast in honor of St. ...
When we were planning our date night this week, there was only one place on my list of suggestions: The Hollow Bar & Kitchen on North Pearl Street in ...
When a friend gave me a week of her CSA share, I knew I had to act fast. I had bags of beautiful summer abundance sitting on my counter and only a few days to ...
We're dusting of the old Foodie Friday file today to bring you a super easy, super delicious slow cooker recipe. Pop it in the crockpot before you head off to ...
I actually Googled "sweet potato black bean chili, Not Strictly Spiritual" this morning to find this recipe I had posted here months ago. It was easier than ...
Foodie Friday is back after a long hiatus, thanks to a favorite recipe that inspired me to kickstart the old weekly recipe post. The beginning of soup season ...
This is one of Dennis' specialities. I've never made it. But it is so good, I have to share it here. If you don't like tuna steaks, the sauce is so amazing you ...
I'm rerunning this Foodie Friday post because I spotted some zucchini blossoms on a Facebook friend's page yesterday (Hi, Rita!), and now I can't stop thinking ...
This is a yummy salad that's easy to make and really tasty. The last time I made it, we had it alongside some Trader Joe's dumplings and spring rolls. It was a ...
Although nothing beats pesto season in our house, primavera season is definitely a close second. And it's so easy. You don't really even need a recipe. This is ...
Looking for a meatless meal for tonight's Lenten supper? Tired of pizza and fish fry? Here's a hearty and satisfying lentil soup recipe that'a a favorite at our ...
It's the first Friday of Lent and right about now you might be thinking, "What's on the Friday menu besides pizza and fish fry?" I've got a combination of ...
So today's food post is going to be a little vague because, as far as I'm concerned, making stuffed artichokes is a little vague. I follow my grandmother's ...
Let's go for something simple, easy, delicious, and nutritious today: roasted green veggies. So often, when we think of roasting vegetables, we think of root ...
Having lived in Austin, Texas, for a combined nine years, I am pretty picky about my Tex-Mex food. In fact, I've been to only one Mexican restaurant here in the ...
Tomorrow is a big day, at least in my world. It's the kick-off of my 15-day blog tour for my newest book from Ave Maria Press: Cravings: A Catholic Wrestles ...
Looking for something new and delicious to add to the Christmas party spread? Here are two fabulous dips that are sure to be a hit with your guests. The Baked ...