This is a yummy salad that’s easy to make and really tasty. The last time I made it, we had it alongside some Trader Joe’s dumplings and spring rolls. It was a quick dinner that felt gourmet, sort of a semi-homemade kind of thing. Four out of five people at our house loved it, which is pretty good for us. It’s perfect as a side dish for supper or as a main course for lunch.
Here you go…
9 ounces soba noodles
1 cucumber
10 radishes
1/2 pound snap peas
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons soy sauce
4 tablespoons lemon juice
salt and pepper to taste
Cook noodles as directed. Drain and cool in fridge for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, thinly slice cucumber and radishes. Microwave snap peas with a dash of water for three minutes and then submerge in ice water bath. Drain and cut snap peas in half.
Combine noodles, cucumber, radishes, snap peas in bowl. Whisk together remaining ingredients and pour over noodles. Toss and serve.