If eyes are the windows to the soul, I think feet may be the doorway to all understanding. That revelation came to me recently when I was in the front pew of my ...
Well, so much for me posting this one from the archives "tomorrow," as promised on Feb. 18. Obviously, things continue at a breakneck pace, and I will admit ...
I am not in the regular rotation when it comes to walking our rescue dog, Jake, especially at night. Dennis and Olivia handle most of the dog-walking duties in ...
Week three. Time is flying! How are things on your end? Here’s the weekly update:
It was a SUPER stressful week, especially the weekend. To be completely ...
We were debating the merits of the latest Taylor Swift album with our teenage daughter one Saturday morning recently, when the conversation morphed into a ...
Bring on another new year. We are not afraid. Or are we? So often, we enter the new year disappointed by what didn't happen the year before and overcommitted to ...
Happy New Year! If you've frequented this blog before, you know that we do not do resolutions here at Not Strictly Spiritual. Why? Because they don't work. Why ...
When I gave up my home-based business to start working in an outside office full time more than two years ago, I gave up a lot more than writing in my basement ...
I was recently sitting in a log-cabin chapel on a beautiful lake in the lower Adirondack Mountains when the woman next to me offered a prayer intention during ...
The past few months have been quite a spiritual roller-coaster for me due to an experience in early summer that pushed me past the breaking point. I couldn’t ...
If you're within driving distance of New York's Capital Region and/or the lower Adirondacks, you are within retreat range! There are still a few more spots open ...
Most weekends I don't look forward to the long list of things that need to get done. After a busy week at work and nights spent driving to and from appointments ...
Every once in a while, something happens that gives me pause and makes me take note of the ways I am aging. I attempt to open a bottle of apple juice and find ...
I think there are two kinds of people: those who trust their GPS implicitly and those who don’t. I fall into the latter group, always second guessing the ...
This morning I posted the link below partly to make a point and partly because it was funny. A comment left on my post in all caps, telling me never to wear a ...
Humility has never been my strong suit, which seems somewhat odd to me because I’m not a bragger or a diva. In fact, I trend toward the low end of the ...
Everyone has his or her own story. Our history, family, faith, environment – all of it combines to create a background story that runs through our entire life, ...
My Life Lines column, running in the current issue of Catholic New York:
My hands look older than my mother’s hands ever did. That’s what I was thinking at ...
My latest Life Lines column, running in the current issue of Catholic New York:
Fourteen years ago this month, I wrote my very first Life Lines column. It ...
A former editor, current friend, and perpetually great writer posted an essay -- What Fresh Hell Is This? -- about the advice he'd give to his 22-year-old self ...