If you go on silent retreat, or spend any serious amount of time in deep and quiet prayer, you're likely to find that some new synapses are firing. Suddenly ...
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So much happens on silent retreat, even though nothing at all seems to be happening. No talking, no reading, no writing, no casual eye contact. Doesn't sound ...
I am so honored and humbled by the many, many prayer requests that have come pouring in from friends on Facebook. I asked people to send me their special ...
Ever since moving to upstate New York almost 13 years ago, I've wanted to try kayaking. Finally, earlier this year, I got my chance when we took Chiara's ...
If you look around my office prayer space or on my bedroom dresser, you'll notice one constant: broken conch and whelk shells everywhere. Small and blue-grey, ...
When you plant a tree
every leaf that grows will tell you,
what you sow will bear fruit.
So if you have any sense, my friend
don't plant anything but love,
you ...
For the past few years, Dennis and I have seriously talked about wanting to move away from here. Here being New York's Capital Region. The bloom is off the ...
I was sitting in my office this afternoon, trying to ignore the constant buzzing, droning sound of the neighbor's leaf blower, when I remembered a section of ...
"Do not wish to be anything but what you are, and try to be that perfectly." -- St. Francis de Sales
When I look at the magnificence of the delicate monarch ...
Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York was on Fox News earlier today talking about the "heroic and generous" spirit of New Yorkers in the wake of the disaster ...
A mild storm in upstate New York
Although New York's Capital Region was spared any serious weather issues due to Hurricane Sandy, I have lots of ...
A lone red leaf amid the more dominant yellows and browns.It's been a weekend of leaves fading and falling fast -- like giant snowflakes, covering the ground ...
Earlier today, I was out in our sun porch doing some gentle yoga in hopes of loosening up a nagging back muscle problem. As I stretched upward to begin a basic ...
A sign? An omen? A "God breeze," as one Facebook friend suggested? I don't know if it's any of these things, but this butterfly certainly made my night last ...
This Monday morning got off to a hectic and somewhat frustrating start. Nothing major, just the usual mayhem with a couple of extra inconveniences added in. But ...
Taken at 4:45 a.m. in my backyardI couldn't sleep last night, so at around 4 a.m. I came downstairs to sit by the window and stare at the moon. Weird? Perhaps. ...
A perfect crescent moon was visible in the early morning sky today, ringing in the Winter Solstice with quiet but awesome fanfare. This was taken at about 6:30 ...
One of my favorite parts of silent retreat is the opportunity to take the quiet of the retreat house or abbey and extend it out into the natural world. When I'm ...
Is it possible a full week has gone by since I was on retreat at the Abbey of the Genesee? Time moves so quickly, especially when time includes three kids going ...
When I'm sitting on the beach, staring out at the Atlantic Ocean, I can't help but hear prayers of praise echoing in my head along with the crashing waves. The ...