As we cross the threshold of a new year, can we embrace what's ahead — with all its messiness and challenge — and offer ourselves and our world compassion and ...
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'Tis the season to start thinking about our grand self-improvement plans for 2023, right? It's right around this time of year, when we're eating too many ...
Kick off 2023 with a plan for an inner revolution, not an outer resolution! We are not looking to drop pounds or start a new exercise routine. We are looking to ...
A new episode of the Life Lines podcast has finally posted. Every time I record one I have to figure out how to use GarageBand all over again. The struggle is ...
When I was thinking about what I would tackle during Week 2 of our revolution-not-resolution journey of self-transformation, I looked at the original blog post ...
With 2020 in our rearview mirror, most of us are hoping for a new year that looks nothing like the old year. As we struggled through past 10 months of pandemic, ...
For those who frequent this blog, you know my end-of-year rallying cry has always been: ReVolution, not resolution! Why? Because resolutions don't work. How do ...
We were debating the merits of the latest Taylor Swift album with our teenage daughter one Saturday morning recently, when the conversation morphed into a ...
Bring on another new year. We are not afraid. Or are we? So often, we enter the new year disappointed by what didn't happen the year before and overcommitted to ...
Our Cravings Tribe is growing, and fast. Thank you for making that happen. Many of you are asking how to sign up and make your membership official. Now there's ...
Our new adventure -- this Cravings Tribe -- is not about making a single, one-year resolution or losing 10 pounds or becoming someone you’re not. It’s about ...
It's not about making a resolution or losing 10 pounds or becoming someone you're not. It's about finding out who you really are and coming to terms with your ...
As we head into another new year and people everywhere jump on the diet and fitness resolution bandwagon, I thought I'd rewind to last year at this time when ...