Fear seems to be ever-present in our world these days, but we don't have to live there. When we move forward in the face of fear, we discover unexpected gifts ...
Hitting the last third of life can be a shock to the system, but, if we're open and willing to bend with the changes rather than push back against them, we'll ...
I think we imagine that if we are truly faithful, we will never have doubts about our faith, but that's not the case. Not only is it normal to have doubts, it ...
As we begin the first full week of Lent, I wanted to spend a few minutes talking about this 40-day journey and how we might best approach the challenge. Join me ...
My latest Life Lines column, From Darkness into Light, has brought in a flurry of emails and comments from readers. It seems this topic really struck a chord. ...
I tackle the somewhat controversial subject of whether men and women can be "just friends" on this Christopher Closeup podcast with host Tony Rossi.Some of you ...
In case any of you have taken my advice and have started downloading daily podcasts from Pray-as-You-Go, I feel the need to print what I hope is only a ...
You can check out my interview with Tony Rossi on Christopher Closeup by clicking HERE. It will take you to the main page where you will be able to download not ...
I’m always trying to find new ways to squeeze prayer and Scripture and reflection into my busy days. I have the best of intentions, but, more often than not, I ...
Hey, I’m back from New York and the papal visit, and just in time to tell you about my first experience on podcast. That’s right. You can now download me from ...