My Catholic News Service column for the Second Sunday of Advent. (The image is me offering an expanded version of this message as a reflection at Mass during ...
First we'll get to the details, then the back story. I have stepped in to lead the 26th annual Merton in the Mountains silent retreat at Pyramid Life Center in ...
The past few months have been quite a spiritual roller-coaster for me due to an experience in early summer that pushed me past the breaking point. I couldn’t ...
I was searching for something in my digital files and came across this column from January 2012. It seemed to ring true all over again, although, to be honest, ...
Ever since I first came in contact with the writings of Thomas Merton about 28 years ago, he has spoken to me. I know I'm not alone there. Countless people of ...
So much happens on silent retreat, even though nothing at all seems to be happening. No talking, no reading, no writing, no casual eye contact. Doesn't sound ...
I am so honored and humbled by the many, many prayer requests that have come pouring in from friends on Facebook. I asked people to send me their special ...
I almost didn't go to yoga class this morning. I was awake at 5 a.m. but my body felt worn out, more so than usual. I wanted to "sleep in" until 6:15, except I ...
Ever since I first came in contact with the writings of Thomas Merton some 25 years ago, he has spoken to me. I know I'm not alone there. Countless people of ...
My latest Life Lines column in the current issue of Catholic New York:
It amazes me sometimes how a casual comment, a familiar smell or the sound of a name we ...
It's always right around this time each Advent season that I move into high holiday spirit. I take that pink candle very seriously. Gaudete! Rejoice! And with ...
I returned late yesterday from my private weekend retreat at the Abbey of the Genesee in Piffard, N.Y., where I was privileged and blessed to pray the Divine ...
Ever since I first came in contact with the writings of Thomas Merton some 25 years ago, he has spoken to me. I know I'm not alone there. Countless people of ...