Headline says it all. It's going to be one of THOSE weeks. Between my out-of-town travel for a weekend retreat and the holiday for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, ...
Don't let the frenzy of the season rob you of the chance to wait in wonder this Advent. Here's my OSV Newsweekly story from last Advent to get you in the ...
A lone red leaf amid the more dominant yellows and browns.It's been a weekend of leaves fading and falling fast -- like giant snowflakes, covering the ground ...
I'm way back there in the corner to the left.
So when Dennis saw those photos of my home office virtual tour yesterday, he asked the Million Dollar Question: ...
Main work desk, book posters, assorted goodies
I'm always talking about working from home -- my incense, my candles, my stuff. So I thought today I'd invite ...
More than three weeks. That's how long it's been since I've shown my face around these parts. If any of you are still left out there, still coming back to see ...
We're in the homestretch. My kids, especially my tween, are practically hyperventilating with excitement. Okay, not the teen. He's keeping the excitement close ...
Chiara and I ended up home alone this evening, sort of unexpectedly. Dennis and Noah are in New York City for a class trip (eating at Carmine's as I write ...
Looks like Our Lady of Guadalupe will not disappear under the snow, as previously expected, due to a winter storm that turned out to be more of a dud than a ...
I don't know what Our Lady of Guadalupe did to deserve such treatment. Normally she winters inside with St. Francis of Assisi. But this year, while St. Francis ...
The snow drops started blooming in our backyard this week, a sure sign that spring is finally here, even if winter decides to rear its head a few more times ...