Weather not fit for squirrels nor statues

February 1, 2011 | Uncategorized

I don’t know what Our Lady of Guadalupe did to deserve such treatment. Normally she winters inside with St. Francis of Assisi. But this year, while St. Francis is snug and dry and relatively warm in our garage, Our Lady has been left to fend for herself in the backyard. And she’s not used to this kind of weather where she comes from.

It is snowing like crazy here, but the kids are at school and Dennis is on the way to work. Things promise to get worse by tomorrow. I thought we could use Our Lady of Guadalupe as a barometer of the storm here. We’ll check back in tomorrow to see if she’s up to her ears yet.

Here’s the long view of her location:

Here’s one of her backyard partners, digging out acorns from a snowbank on our deck:

Here are the pines behind our house. Let’s hope the storm doesn’t break their branches, which hang precariously over our power lines.


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