Life in My 50s: More confident, less sure

Life in My 50s: More confident, less sure

For much of my younger adult life, I was waiting — hoping — for the day when I would feel wise. Some people said when they hit 40 they finally felt comfortable in their own skin and filled with wisdom to boot. I never felt that at 40. Not that it was a bad age, but the wisdom thing wasn’t happening as far as I was concerned. Then I heard, no, wait, 50 will be the magical age when you stop caring what other people think and become who you were always meant to be. I hit 50 in September, and while I felt some of that, I still didn’t feel all that wise. (more…)

A funny thing happened on the way to my blog tour…

A funny thing happened on the way to my blog tour…

For the past ten days I’ve been running a blog tour (in case you didn’t notice). I know. It feels like ten years. It will be over soon, and then I’ll find some other way to bother you. As part of the tour I am not only doing Q&A interviews with various bloggers who are generously hosting me on their sites; I’m also fielding questions from people entering the Williams-Sonoma $100 gift card giveaway over at Ave Maria Press. (Click HERE and enter once a day until Jan. 20, when the blog tour ends.) (more…)

Real comfort food feeds the soul, not just the belly

Real comfort food feeds the soul, not just the belly

Here’s a reader question that just came in, and I think it’s a good one, something we have to think about if we’re looking to break our food obsessions:

“I’m sure I need to read the book, but I’m wondering how to embrace the fact that food IS comfort on some level, we can’t really separate that from our experience with it. I love the image of Jesus cooking for the disciples on the seashore, when they had been out fishing all night. And in fact He gives HIMSELF to us as food! So it seems counter-intuitive to me to try to minimize the comfort aspect of our relationship with food in the quest for health, as people often do. How do you see this issue?” (more…)

I gotta be me: Diary of a diet detox

I gotta be me: Diary of a diet detox

A few weeks ago, as some of you may recall, I decided to do a pretty hard-core diet detox based on a 21-day plan created by my health and fitness guru Kris Carr, author of Crazy Sexy Diet and creator of Crazy Sexy everything. Granted the start of December was probably not an ideal time to attempt a detox, what with all the holiday festivities in the offing, but it’s so me to try to do something at its most challenging, like I need to prove I can not only detox but I can do so under the most stressful food circumstances. I’m like the Navy Seals of detoxing but without the Night Vision goggles. (more…)

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