What’s one more blogger?

What’s one more blogger?

So I’ve decided — finally — to dive head first into the world of blogging. Everyone else seems to be in the pool already, so I figure I might as well test the waters. I have to admit that this blogging thing seems a lot like talking to myself, except for the part where I have to come up intelligent topics and craft ideas into pithy prose We’ll see how that goes.

For now, you should know that I will write about all sorts of things. Sometimes I’ll write about spiritual stuff because that’s a big part of who I am, but expect to see lots of conversations about motherhood, writing, friendship, and whatever else piques my interest. I will warn you up front that I have a special devotion to ranting about certain lifestyle sections of The New York Times, where they love to paint those of us living in upstate New York (known as “out there” in NYT-speak) as a bunch of goobers who wouldn’t know a chèvre from a Chevy. (more…)

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