I had a bit of a health scare this week. A major blockage (80 percent) in a major artery required a stent. But I am feeling great — and grateful. It all started ...
Hello, my lovelies! Were you wondering if I had forgotten about you and our plan to start a reVolution not a resolution? There is a method to my madness. As I ...
A new episode of the Life Lines podcast has finally posted. Every time I record one I have to figure out how to use GarageBand all over again. The struggle is ...
Advent in our modern world has long been behind the cultural eight ball. It’s a season of waiting in a world of instant gratification, a season of quiet ...
Yesterday was a momentous occasion. The gratitude journal that I have kept on my nightstand since April 2019 hit #1,000 — as in 1,000 things for which I am ...