Fear seems to be ever-present in our world these days, but we don't have to live there. When we move forward in the face of fear, we discover unexpected gifts ...
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The poet David Whyte says that most people are “living four or five years behind the curve of their own transformation,” refusing to accept a new season of life ...
Happy Feast of St. Joan of Arc!
When I was in a difficult stretch a few years back, Joan of Arc became my guide and inspiration. I had the image you see here ...
So often we think being brave means being fearless. Not so. Bravery and courage happen in the face of fear, not in the absence of it. What would you do if you ...
Full disclosure: I was never a big Carlos Santana fan. Okay, I wasn't really a fan at all. That is unless Rob Thomas was singing as Santana played. But then I ...
It seems so straightforward: Jesus appoints his Apostles. There doesn’t seem to be much to delve into here. We know how this Gospel (Mark 3:13-19) turns out. ...
The past month has been a dance of gratitude and fear. Gratitude that, so far, my family is healthy and together under one roof — all five of us around the ...
September always feels like the start of a new year to me, much more so than Jan. 1 ever does. It must be the perennial student in me. I can’t even resist the ...
"I’ve done my best work, really, my most important work, from the ages of maybe 57 to now." That quote is from the poetic writer and musician Patti Smith, 72, ...