We started out on this revolution-not-resolution journey of inner transformation at the beginning of the new year. The plan was to bring some new habits into ...
Okay, so we skipped Week 4 here on the blog. I have to apologize. I was not taking my own advice and was allowing myself to sink into a bit of darkness and ...
Today is the 13th anniversary of this blog. I launched it back in 2008 on the Feast of St. Francis de Sales, patron saint of writers, not really knowing what ...
How are we doing, gang? We are moving into week three already. Can you believe it? How is your 2021 so far? It definitely seems like it's going to give 2020 a ...
A new episode of the Life Lines podcast has finally posted. Every time I record one I have to figure out how to use GarageBand all over again. The struggle is ...
When I was thinking about what I would tackle during Week 2 of our revolution-not-resolution journey of self-transformation, I looked at the original blog post ...
Hello, my lovelies! Were you wondering if I had forgotten about you and our plan to start a reVolution not a resolution? There is a method to my madness. As I ...
When I gave up my home-based business to start working in an outside office full time more than two years ago, I gave up a lot more than writing in my basement ...