My reflection today in the January issue of Give Us This Day:
If you’ve ever had a serious fight with your spouse or parent or child, you know the pain of a ...
I saw on Facebook two days ago that it was the tenth anniversary of the death of one very special parishioner of St. Thomas the Apostle Church in Delmar, N.Y.. ...
Either we're pro-life or we're not pro-life, and firing an unwed pregnant Catholic school teacher is not pro-life no matter how you slice it. I don't care what ...
I am so proud of our little Brownie troop. We started out this year on a Girl Scout "Journey," one that required us to tell our story -- and to change the end ...
I was going to put up an anniversary post today to mark the fifth birthday of Not Strictly Spiritual. And then a Facebook friend posted the video below, and I ...
Noah in uteroI wrote something yesterday, and before I hit "publish," I questioned whether I wanted to do it at all because I knew the potential fall out from ...
So yesterday I ran downstairs to the unfinished side of my basement to throw in a load of laundry, and there on the cinderblock wall in front of me was the ...