Each year, as Lent begins, I can’t help but remember a scene from Sunday Mass a few years back. A little boy sitting in the second pew with his grandmother ...
During these tumultuous and terrible times in our world, it can be easy to spiral down into the rabbit hole of despair, thinking we have no right to be happy, ...
As I was wrapping up a Lenten retreat recently, someone in attendance approached me afterward and asked if it’s appropriate or even possible to wish someone ...
"Make My Joy Complete" — Philippians 2:2
You know that February feeling... The holidays are behind us, and spring is SO far away (at least here in the ...
When I left my office job four months ago to return to my home-based writing and retreat business, I was mainly focused on doing the work I love most on a ...
I recently did a search of my past Life Lines columns to find something I wrote here six years ago: “Sometimes happiness isn’t a choice.” I remembered how deep ...
The past month has been a dance of gratitude and fear. Gratitude that, so far, my family is healthy and together under one roof — all five of us around the ...
My Life Lines column, running in the current issue of Catholic New York:
My hands look older than my mother’s hands ever did. That’s what I was thinking at ...
German mystic Meister Eckhart once said, “If the only prayer you said your whole life was ‘thank you,’ that would suffice.”
Gratitude has that kind of power, ...
I originally wrote this post in January, but I came across it this morning when I was looking for something else. It was exactly what I needed to hear today, so ...
I find this whole midlife, midcentury thing to be more interesting than I originally expected when I hit the big 5-0 last fall. What I'm finding is that it's ...