Just when I think I’ve said all there is to say about Cravings, I realize there’s a whole lot more. This week Cravings is featured on two podcasts and in a webinar.
Click on THIS LINK to listen to my conversation with Dan Horan, OFM, at Dating God.
Click on THIS LINK to listen in as I talk with Kris McGregor of Discerning Hearts-Inside the Pages.
And click THIS LINK now to register for this afternoon’s free webinar, “What Are You Craving in 2013? Five Ways to Restore Sanity and Serenity to Your Relationship with Food,” at Ave Maria Press. I’ll be talking for about 30 minutes. You’ll see a Powerpoint presentation and have an opportunity to ask questions.
As always, thank you for your continued support of Cravings. The journey has been amazing so far, and I am deeply grateful.