Celebrating the life and love of my first best friend

Celebrating the life and love of my first best friend

Earlier this week I wrote about missing my mother, who died 25 years ago today at the age of 47. Today I would like to celebrate her life with a few old photos. I realized, as I pulled photos for this, that I have lots of photos from my earliest days with my mother and a few from the end, but hardly anything in between. I’ll try to remember that the next time I want to avoid being in a photo with my kids because I don’t think I look good enough. (more…)

Still learning what it means to be a motherless child

Still learning what it means to be a motherless child

I’ve been crying a lot this week, completely out of the blue and right on schedule. Friday marks the 25th anniversary of my mother’s death, which is a milestone for more than the obvious quarter-century reason. You see grief gives you typical milestones – anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, big round-number years like 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 – but grief also gives you weirdly special milestones that I think you understand only if you’ve been there. (more…)

A beautiful Confirmation guide, gift, and keepsake

A beautiful Confirmation guide, gift, and keepsake

My son, Noah, will be making his Confirmation next weekend, and all through his preparation I was wishing I had something that would focus specifically on this sacrament in a way that would be informative and engaging without being overwhelming. Lo and behold, in my mailbox one afternoon I found exactly what I ‘d been searching for. (more…)

Is Jesus getting crowded out by complaints?

Is Jesus getting crowded out by complaints?

If you frequent this blog, you know I complain. A lot. Here I mostly complain about the fact that my spiritual life is dry and God won’t send me a sign and where is Jesus and why, oh, why don’t my prayers feel like they’re doing anything. And on and on and on. (more…)

Foodie Friday: Last Chance Vegetable Soup

Foodie Friday: Last Chance Vegetable Soup

It’s been pretty chilly around here these days, and so I hunkered down and made what I hope is the last big batch of wintry veggie soup before we set our sights on grilling and other spring and summer fare. This is sort of a kitchen-sink soup. Use what you’ve got. It will be slightly different every time, but that’s what keeps this soup interesting. (more…)

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