Are you brave enough to give without conditions?

Are you brave enough to give without conditions?

This  morning I came across a post over at Momastery that really stopped me cold. I mean, I do my little charitable stuff here and there, but I have never done anything anywhere close to as generous as what you’ll read about in the post below. I hope someday maybe I’ll have the courage, the trust, the faith to take that leap and giving without counting the cost — not on a calculator, not in my head, not in my heart. Because a lot of times I think we’re still counting the cost even when we’re trying our hardest to be generous. It’s hard to break that hold, to give and not register it somewhere. (more…)

Have you hugged your colon today?

Have you hugged your colon today?

We interrupt our wall-to-wall Pope Francis coverage for my annual post in honor of National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, which is celebrated in March. Every year at this time, I parade out a photo of my fine-looking colon to get your attention. (Yes, that is my actual colon, as it appeared during my most recent colonoscopy, which was done just over a year ago.) (more…)

Don’t make me sing ’70’s folk songs. Because I will.

Don’t make me sing ’70’s folk songs. Because I will.

Do you want to know how bad it’s getting? Yesterday, while in the shower, I found myself singing — out of the clear blue sky — “Come on, people now, smile on your brother. Everybody get together. Try to love one another right now.” I haven’t sung that song since I was in my parish folk group in high school, but this is what it’s come to, people. This is what I’ve been driven to by those who seem to want to find misery where they should be looking for joy, by those who want to tsk-tsk rather than open their hearts and their arms and embrace the possibility of, well, everything. (more…)

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