We’re still hanging out in North Wildwood and keeping very busy. Hence, the lack of blog posting. Plus I’ve got a very weak wifi signal, so I’m kind of limited. The kids are having a great time. The weather has been perfect, save for a thunderstorm last night that cut our visit to the boardwalk short. But we had already eaten dinner and done all the rides — or at least all the rides we wanted — on the first pier. So it didn’t ruin the evening.
First full day here we did the Raging Waters water park on Morey’s Pier. If you are coming to Wildwood with kids, I can’t recommend it enough. I have to admit that every year, as we’re about to head to the water park, I feel a sense of dread. With three kids at very different stages, the water park can be a bit overwhelming — keeping track of Noah, who goes off to the biggest, baddest slides on his own; keeping Olivia happy with the middle-of-the-road slides; and playing with Chiara in the kiddie section. But as soon as I grab a tube and get on that first slide of the day, I remember how much I love, love, LOVE going to the water park. It really makes you feel like a kid again. You’re slipping and sliding down a giant slide through tunnels, around bends, all with the ocean in view, only to be dumped out into a big pool. To top it off, this particular park is immaculately clean and well-kept. Workers are cleaning trash cans and skimming pools and even making sure the cracks in the picnic tables are spotless. Check it out if you’re in the area.
Of course, we’ve been spending a lot of time at the beach, at the inlet, which is rough enough to feel like the ocean but calm enough to keep me from completely freaking out when Noah is out in the waves alone. Plus it’s more family friendly, so there are lots of kids for Chiara to play with when she’s building sandcastles or making “soup” in her bucket. Yesterday it was wonton.
I’ll be back again with another vacation update before we wrap up at the end of the week. Tonight we’re taking a dinner cruise from Wildwood to Cape May. Should be fun, as long as I’m not seasick, which isn’t completely out of the question.