An unexpected review…

May 26, 2009 | Uncategorized

I was surprised last week to find this lovely review of my first book, “Parenting a Grieving Child: Helping Children Find Faith, Hope and Healing After the Loss of a Loved One.” It’s been seven years since the book was published by Loyola Press, so a review at this point is an unexpected gift. Thank you, Ebeth at A Catholic Mom Climbing the Pillars, for making my day. Here’s a taste, but please click and continue to read the rest on Ebeth’s blog.

“February 2008, my father-in-law passed away which was very hard on my knight and our three kids. I blogged about it as the process of his suffering and death impacted our lives so deeply. One day I received a comment asking me if a book could be sent to me. It was like having a heartfelt prayer reach out through the computer monitor to my children. Mary DeTurris Poust, the author, and generous soul reached out to my children in her book, “Parenting a Grieving Child” signed and sent to my rescue immediately. What a treasure trove of ideas and points on the griefing process of a child that is very different than that of an adult… Continue reading.


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