All three of my children have attended a wonderful Montessori preschool program in town, run by a Catholic couple who really bring a sense of joy and wonder and respect and peace to the little school. I missed the school’s closing picnic last night because I was off attending a Girl Scout training session. And one of the things I missed most is the closing circle, when all the parents and kids and teachers stand side by side and sing songs before closing with the Universal Prayer for Peace by Mahatma Ghandi.
So I want to share that prayer with you today. (Try to imagine two classes of fidgety 3- and 4- year-olds saying these words accompanied by gently flowing hand motions. Just precious.) May your Friday be filled with blessings.
I offer you peace. I offer you love.
I offer you friendship.
I hear your cry. I see your beauty.
I feel your pain.
My wisdom flows from a higher source.
I salute that source in you.
Let us work together.