Things have reached a crescendo at our house today, capping off a crazy week of school, work and extracurricular activities. Hence, not a lot of time for waxing poetic — or whatever it is I wax — on this blog.
Today I will be taping a radio show for the Spirit Morning Show on Spirit 88.9 FM KVSS out of Omaha, Nebraska. I’ll let you know when that will be airing or if you can access it via your computers.
Later today I have to attend a preview of “Growing to Maturity,” the sex ed curriculum that Noah’s fifth-grade class will begin next week. Yup, it’s that time already. Hard to believe. Noah being Noah — a very scientifically minded boy, who wants to know the hows and whys of just about everything — already knows the nuts and bolts of what he’s about to learn, but I think this goes a whole lot farther. Should be interesting. I’m bracing myself for the questions that are to come and hoping I’ll have all the “right” answers so he’ll always come back to me or Dennis when he needs to know more.
From that great adventure, we move on to Noah’s annual physical, Olivia’s weekly hip hop class, and finally, last but not least, Noah’s performance in the school play, Beauty and the Beast. He has four roles — villager, wolf, egg man, and dancing dish, which will make no sense to you whatsoever if you’ve never seen this Disney movie.
So…I’ll be back with more on Monday, when I will regale you with tales from the Greatest Show on Earth, which we are scheduled to see on Mother’s Day at 5 p.m. Since I spend each day of my life in my own version of a three-ring circus, I think it is only fitting that I spend Mother’s Day seeing how the professionals do it. I’m hoping to pick up some pointers.
Have a great weekend, and Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms, grandmas, godmothers, and every woman who mothers others.