What’s your favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner?

November 18, 2012 | Foodie Friday

We’re taking a survey at our house this morning: What’s the best part of the Thanksgiving dinner?
Here’s how the votes are breaking down…

Mary: Stuffing (without question). I can and will eat stuffing at every stage of the making/serving/storing process. I’ll it eat half done, just right, ice cold. Nothing. Better. Than. Stuffing. (And my stuffing never enters or even touches the bird, just like my mama made it. Only better.)

Chiara: Cranberry sauce (the kind I blogged about on Foodie Friday this week.)

Chiara’s friend: Mashed potatoes

Noah: Turkey

Dennis: Stuffing (Aw, we’re stuffing soul mates.)

Olivia:  Stuffing (Mashed potatoes were a close second, but since she can have those any time, stuffing won the day.)

Leave your vote in the comment section.

So, why is it, if stuffing is the most popular food on our table by a vote of 3-to-1 in various categories, there are no photos of my fabulous stuffing. I guess I was too busy eating it. I’ll be sure to get a shot this year in between bites. And maybe I’ll even post my recipe.

Those braised and glazed Brussels sprouts in the photo above are pretty dang good, too. Very simple recipe from Mark Bittman’s “How to Cook Everything Vegetarian.” If you’re looking for a good veggie side, here’s the recipe:

3 Tbs butter or extra virgin olive oil
1 pound Brussels sprouts, trimmed
1/2 cup or more vegetable stock, white wine, or water, more as needed
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Combine butter, Brussels sprouts, and stock in deep skillet with a tight-fitting lid, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and bring to a boil. Cover and adjust the heat so the mixture simmers; cook until the sprouts are just tender, 5 to 10 minutes, checking once or twice and adding liquid as needed.

Uncover and raise the heat to boil off the liquid so the vegetables become glazed and eventually browned. Resist the urge to stir them frequently; just let them sizzle until golden and crisp, then shake the pan and loosen them to roll over. Taste and adjust seasoning. Serve hot or at room temperature. Makes four servings.

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