Win Lisa Hendey’s book in time for Advent

Win Lisa Hendey’s book in time for Advent

Every year when Advent rolls around, we set our Advent wreath at the center of the kitchen table, and before dinner each night, we pray. But I have to admit that more often than not we resort to our traditional grace before meals or an Our Father or some other old standard because we didn’t have time to pull something more appropriate together (not that the Our Father could ever be inappropriate). (more…)

Cyber Monday goodies with a spiritual bent

Cyber Monday goodies with a spiritual bent

If you’re anything like me, right about now you’re probably making a list and checking it twice and realizing you have way too many Christmas gifts to buy. Some of this has to do with very hard-to-buy-for loved ones. (You know who you are.) But more of it has to do with the fact that I hate shopping malls, hate shopping in general, to be honest. If I could get everything at our local bookstore, and, believe me, I’ve tried, I would do it in a heartbeat. But it would look a little odd if I gave every person a book or stuffed animal. (more…)

You had me at ‘Nativity play set’

You had me at ‘Nativity play set’

The begging has begun. PLLEEAASSEEEE…Can’t we play Christmas music…watch Elf…get out the decorations? And my answer to every question is a frustrating (for the kids), “Not yet.” I don’t care if Thanksgiving is over; Advent isn’t quite here yet. That means no decking the halls until Dec. 2, or, if we go to vigil Mass on Saturday evening, Dec. 1. And even then, I’m talking only about the Advent wreath and the Advent calendar. The tree and other assorted angels and Santas and snowmen won’t show up until we’re well into December. (more…)

So much local shopping to love. No mall required.

So much local shopping to love. No mall required.

So it’s Small Business Saturday, but even if it were just any other Saturday, there are so many small businesses here in New York’s Capital Region (where I am based) to keep you from ever needing to darken the doorstep of the dreaded mall. Or Walmart.

I know, sometimes you just can’t get something anywhere else, but most days you can. I usually make it my mission to get through the Christmas season without ever going to the mall. I challenge you to do the same. If it’s too late and you’ve already stood on line for 12 hours to get a half-price electric toothbrush, pick yourself up and start over. (more…)

Remembering the ‘oldest altar boy’

Remembering the ‘oldest altar boy’

The beautiful post below by Elizabeth Scalia reminded me so much of my grandfather, who was known in our family and around our home parish church as “the oldest altar boy.” Every day without fail throughout his retirement and until he was too ill to leave home, he opened the church in the morning, locked it at night, served at each of the three daily Masses, and then sat before the tabernacle in prayer. (more…)

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