Every year when Advent rolls around, we set our Advent wreath at the center of the kitchen table, and before dinner each night, we pray. But I have to admit that more often than not we resort to our traditional grace before meals or an Our Father or some other old standard because we didn’t have time to pull something more appropriate together (not that the Our Father could ever be inappropriate).
This year Lisa Hendey does the heavy lifting for us. Everything we need to make our nightly wreath ritual meaningful is right there in her lovely new book, “O Radiant Dawn,” from Ave Maria Press. For each day of Advent, you’ll get a short Scripture reading, reflection questions, a special suggestion for those with younger children, and a closing prayer. And if you go to Lisa’s blog right now, you can enter a contest to win a free copy just in time for the start of Advent this weekend.
Click HERE to go to Lisa’s blog, “A Good Measure,” over at Patheos. While you’re there you might want to stick around and read some of her other great blog posts.