Some food for thought on this Wisdom Wednesday from Everyday Sacred: A Woman’s Journey Home, a beautiful book by potter and author Sue Bender. Not surprisingly, it’s about brokenness, my favorite topic of late:
“We start out whole. Complete. Along the way, we may feel that something is wrong, or missing. We aren’t the way we’d like to be or the way we think we should be. A crossroads, a new stage in life, a turning point, a crisis, when we feel we may crack, or we do crack, can be a difficult, frightening time.
“And, sometimes we deliberately crack our own bowl.
“With time and great care and tender patience, we can reexamine the pieces, knowing that when we are ready, a solution will come. We can glue the pieces back together.
“This bowl looks far more interesting, more beautiful than before it broke. The pieces are the same, but it’s a different bowl than when I started.”
Can you uncover the gold and silver buried in your life right now and use it to put your pieces back together so that you become more interesting, more beautiful than before you were broken? It’s possible. There is gold and silver everywhere.