This has been a crazy busy week, but a good week. After months of preparation, weeks of handwringing and many sleepless nights of worry, Noah’s Eagle Scout project is complete. I have to send out a special thank you to all those people who gave their time, their talent, their treasure, and their used books — 1,006 of them, to be exact. We took a dreary room in a residence for children slipping through the foster care system and turned it into a beautiful refuge filled with books and comfort and calm and a quote to inspire. I hope they see it not only as a place to relax but as a reminder of their worthiness in this world. They should have a beautiful place to sit and read. Every child should have that.
Now we head into the last week of summer camps: Vacation Bible School at the local Methodist Church, Chiara’s one “must” every summer, and horseback riding camp for Olivia. That means it’s a serious work week for me since I won’t have any uninterrupted time again until school is in session. I’ll be working, but you know how it goes when you’ve got three kids looking for summer fun and you’ve got a deadline to meet. Yeah, no one is happy. So I’m hoping to keep things fairly balanced in August so no one feels neglected and everyone feels like they had a great summer. We’ll see how that goes.
Here’s what we’ve got on Manic Monday…
Viewfinder: The Eagle Scout project

Noah surveys the results of the hard work — his and that of our great team of family, friends and Scouts.
Bookshelf: Not much reading going on these days. The Happiness Project sits unfinished. Maybe now that the Eagle Scout project is done, I can get back to that project.
On the Menu: It’s prime pesto season, at least in these parts. Our containers are overflowing, and that’s always a happy site. Click HERE if you want my pesto recipe.
Soundtrack: Although I’ve been feeling sort of melancholy lately, this song was playing when I got in the car, and it sort of lightened my mood. After all, what’s there to complain about? Maybe it will do the same for you.